2022 Hall of Fame Nominees Announced

Baton Rouge, LA – On Friday December 23rd, Sibley Entertainment Company, LLC [hereafter “the company” and/or Bayou Babes™] Announced it has nominated eight individuals for its 2022 Hall of Fame class.  The class will be inducted at its January 2023 event in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.  Up to four nominees will be voted in by existing

2023 Events Announced!

Baton Rouge, LA – On Thursday December 15th, Sibley Entertainment Company, LLC [hereafter “the company and/or Bayou Babes™”] announced its new business model, and scheduled events for fiscal year 2023. For the first time in nearly six years, the company will host an event in Baton Rouge, Louisiana January 27th – January 31st. The event
Baton Rouge, LA – On Thursday August 4th, Sibley Entertainment Company, LLC announced a shakeup of its events scheduled in the fourth quarter of calendar year 2022.  The company will move forward with a thirty-seven thousand ($37,000) event in Costa Rica in early October.  The event will feature at least three photographers, up to ten
Baton Rouge, LA – On Friday May 13th, Sibley Entertainment Company, LLC announced the company had officially launched its new flagship website  On the original website,, models were able to promote discount codes in order to receive a percentage of each sale.  On the new website, the company will take a different approach. 
Baton Rouge, Louisiana – Sibley Entertainment Company, LLC, has announced it will move forward with two additional events to close out fiscal year 2022.  In October the company will host a six night event in The Maldives.  Due to the length of travel, the company will change the format slightly to provide a third off
Baton Rouge, Louisiana – PIIHB, Inc. announced the company had approved a $137,000 capital expenditure budget for it’s subsidiary, Sibley Entertainment Company, LLC.  As part of the expenditure, Sibley Entertainment will invest fifty-six thousand dollars ($56,000) into two exclusive models.    The company plans to have both models signed by February 1, 2022 at 11:59PM. The
Baton Rouge, Louisiana – Sibley Entertainment Company, LLC, the owner of Bayou Babes, has announced a near thirty-thousand dollar event in South Florida.  The event will take place November 15th – November 20th of 2o21.  The event will feature two photographers, including featured photographers Vincent Pierce Photography and Yassmin Photography.  Bayou Babes will fly in
Baton Rouge, Louisiana – Bayou Babes announces the launch of its Hall of Fame, and annual Hall of Fame Event.  Each year management will nominate eight models, photographers, and support staff for induction.  Members of will then vote on which four to induct into the Hall of Fame.  Each March, Bayou Babes will hold
Sibley Entertainment announced it would move its flagship brand, Bayou Babes, from to  The website will undergo a complete rebuild of the entire site, membership structure, and add several new features.  The site will no longer offer memberships shorter, or longer than, 30 days.  The new website will be tiered based on nudity
Bayou Babes announced on Friday (May 7, 2021), that Sibley Entertainment Company, LLC approved its request to schedule a twenty five thousand dollar event in St. Croix, Virgin Islands of the United States.  The event will be the second in the U.S. Virgin Islands in a 6 month period.  The event will feature David Moser