St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands
June 17 - June 22, 2021

Andrea returned for her fifth consecutive event! Andrea served as a model and Photo Director.

Angel made her Bayou Babes debut at this event! Her manager, Mr. Beans, also made his debut in St. Croix!

Cassie made her Bayou Babes debut at this event! She won the 1st Bayou Babes Beer Pong Championship!

Chloe made her Bayou Babes debut in St. Croix. Chloe faced Robin in the 2nd Bayou Babes Twister Tournament!

Naomy returned for her second event! This was her first photo shoot with Bayou Babes in almost two years!

Robin returned for her fourth event! She was the 2nd Bayou Babes Twister Tournament Champion!